Sunday, March 20, 2011

Vintage Blog #2: Soon It's Gonna Rain..... (08/17/2007)

The rain falls hard and fast, then slows to a trickle, before the boom of a thunderoll brings the rains again. I long to lie in my bed while visions of what may come flood my consciousness; and every time, without fail, I am alone, though I long to share it with you. In that dark calm that soothes and renews, I long to be held. But I remain alone and therefore I loose my mind to the thoughts of what could be. I drift, wordlessly, into a realm of ebony sky with colors danciing about gracefully. My mind gains its freedom as my body remains where I have left it. Then I hear but little rain, and I only know it is there because of the vehicles that drive by in it. The peace, though still, is broken. And a roll of distant thunder, then almost painfully quiet once more. the sounds of daily life resume around me and I mourn the stillness that was here just moments ago. I have longed to share such a storm with someone lying by my side; those who would have lived far away when I needed them thus. It is something we shall never share. But hope remains, as there is someone I would like to share that perfect stillness with. The symphony of rain and clouds, thunder and light, hearts beating warmly side by side. I crave, I covet this and blatantly envy those who have what I do not. That perfect rai seems as if it were a distant memory of some years ago and had not have had since.Grant unto me that gift one more time lady, for thy friend's sake.